The Year that Was- Best Music of 2020.

Let’s face it: 2020 was a sorry excuse for a year and a shite way to ring in a new decade. We’ve talked and meme-d and cried and raged about every tiny aspect; the autopsy has been performed with garden shears. Now it’s just sitting in the corner, a hollow, sad thing we’d do better by forgetting.

I’m not here to rehash any of that.

Instead, the focus falls upon the good of this year, and there was plenty, despite my previous comments to the contrary. The music has been fantastic. I’ve heard many new things, old things through fresh eyes and made some very kind acquaintances who’ve been a pleasure to chat with as a result.

Here’s a rundown of my favourites. For whatever reason, it’s been heavily female focused this year. I can’t really explain why, it may simply be a case of what I needed to hear. No rankings, of course and listed alphabetically for convenience and some sense of order.

∆AIMON – In Fire and in Blood
Ada Rook – 2020 Knives/Separated from her Twin, A Dying Android Arrives on a Mysterious Island/Crisis Sigil etc. –
Amelia Arsenic – Deathless
Bestial Mouths – Resurrected in Black
Black Dresses – Peaceful as Hell
Black Nail Cabaret – Gods Verging on Sanity
Bow Ever Down – Lost in the Woods
Cardinal Noire – Nightmare Worms
Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou – May Our Chambers Be Full chambers-be-full
HIDE – Girl on Girl/Kill Your Head/Man’s Best Friend
Kanga – Eternal Daughter
Kat Koan – Lustprinzip
Linea Aspera – LP II
Lingua Ignota – Various Covers/The Caligula Demos
Minuit Machine – Don’t Run from the Fire
MOAAN EXIS – Necessary Violences
Queen of the Static Opera – Make Love to America Gently with a Chainsaw
Seeming – A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Atrocity/Monster
Statiqbloom – Beneath the Whelm
Violent Vickie – Division
Visceral Anatomy – Modern Anguish
Witch of the Vale – Commemorate
Zola Jesus – Live at Roadburn 2018

And there you have it. A pretty amazing list of people making amazing things. Things that helped me through the year that was and will be with me as companions in the future.

These lists are never easy; there’s just SO MUCH that’s consumable. Instead of finding a needle in a haystack, you’re searching for one particular needle in an ocean of them. Last things: Use Bandcamp if at all possible. They do right by creators and the monthly Bandcamp Friday has been a bright spot this year. The other recommendation is to buy physical merchandise. Vinyl, tapes, shirts, buttons, etc. Appreciate the value of an actual object enough to hold it in your hands or wear it. It does creators a world of good, especially as touring has been stalled for what appears to be the foreseeable future.

Okay, that’s all. Looking forward to new musics in 2021. Maybe this time without the added bonus of a dumpster fire.

Art Isn’t Free, Ear Candy Edition.

Bandcamp Friday is in a few days and I’d thought it proper to do a master list of sorts if anyone is looking for jumping off points or general suggestions. For those living under a rock, the better part of the past year has seen Bandcamp waive their percentage fee so 100% of all money goes to the artists; this occurs on the first Friday of every month. These people need support as like many others, it’s been a more-than-regular-difficult kind of year. I should also note that if what I post here isn’t to your liking, have a poke around on the site anyway. I guarantee you’ll find something you’ll enjoy.

Ada Rook
Amelia Aresnic
Android Lust
Azar Swan
Bedless Bones
Bestial Mouths
Black Nail Cabaret
Bow Ever Down
Cardinal Noire
Caustic Grip
Cevin Key
Emma Ruth Rundle
Fragile Self
I, Parasite
I Ya Toyah
Lingua Ignota
Minuit Machine
Moaan Exis
Night Terrors
Physical Wash
Pneumatic Detach
Queen of the Static Opera
Sally Dige
Spit Mask
Violent Vickie
Witch of the Vale
Youth Code
Zola Jesus

This should get you started. If I missed anyone, message me and I’ll edit the chart.

One last thing: Creativity, specifically on the artistic side is hard work. It’s also the only job where you may be asked to justify doing it at all. None of this is free to make and aside from monetary cost, there’s time, doubt, frustration, worry and everything else people who have “real jobs” have to face.

And it is product.

I don’t go to the grocery store and expect them to load my cart for free so don’t ask or complain when an artist wants a return on the investment. Think of it as a contract. A work is made, there’s a price and you pay. You are under no obligation to like it, though it is hoped that you do; nor do you have any say in how often new product comes out or what it will look or sound like.

So support independent artists. Let them make something beautiful.

God knows there’s precious little left in the world.

Okay, end rant.

Phantom Limbs


The words from my doorway felt like the last gasp of a fire sputtering and collapsing.

Two hours ago I was sitting in a conference room, surrounded by reasonable men and women in reasonable suits, saying reasonable things. They were asking me to leave; a drone of voices claiming an inability to help me had come to the conclusion that they were doing more harm then good. Pack tonight, out the door before breakfast.

Past the buzz of security lamps, the dirty sun struggled to breach muddied panes. Past the drug line and nurse’s station. Past the threat of the scales, where on Mondays they would strip my gown and pull at black boxer briefs looking for foreign material; returning to my room to gather up everything that had been collected in five long weeks.

She stood there, her arm propping her body against the jamb, skin in soft focus, dark crimson framing her face. She seemed more and less than when she arrived; a body beginning to reconstruct itself even as her heart broke in doing so.

I let the murmur escape through a buried sigh, ‘They’ve asked me to go.’

‘Why? I..I don’t understand.’

‘Something about not helping. Plateaus. I got a little lost after the ‘have to leave’ stuff. They also asked me a…a question.’

Regulation was everything and was not to be defied. You were not to have or show caring or empathy with one another, building relationships was strictly forbidden. I imagine this rule was put in place by a surgeon who, after harvesting and selling hearts on the black market, was resigned to writing policy after the scandal died down.

‘What did they ask?’

She moved closer in unsteady steps, her voice barely a whisper. I continued to collect bits and pieces. I didn’t want to smell the vanilla on her skin, her breath upon mine. Pausing, I tried to find the right words, bony fingers pressed against either side of my nose.

‘Uh. Well…Okay. They wanted to know about the…nature of our relationship.’

‘What did you tell them?’

‘The truth, I suppose. That we’ve been there for each other when need be. That I care about you.’

‘So was that a reason you’re being removed?’

‘I honestly don’t know.’

She sunk into the starched sheets and thin hospital blanket that were draped upon a plastic covered mattress. Both were an ugly, flat green-grey. I listened to her breath, clipped and unsure, a slight shudder in her chest, as though she’d forgotten how. A slow exhale; words fell from her mouth; heavy things that tumbled to the floor with a discontented thud.

‘What’re you gonna do?’

‘I really don’t know.’ My hands held up against the back of my neck, ‘Go home, try to not fall down again….moping is likely.’

‘That sounds terrible.’

‘Little bit, yeah.’ I paused, ‘What about you?’

‘I dunno, can’t even think that far ahead.’

‘I have a prediction.’

‘Do you really?’

‘Uh-huh. You’ll get out, become a model for dietary supplements and from there, slowly but surely, begin your plot to have the planet under your thumb.’

‘Shut up.’ She replied through a wicked laugh.

‘It’s true.’

‘I don’t want the planet. Nope.’

‘What do you want, then?’

‘Quiet, maybe. Calm.’

Her eyes grew overcast and fell towards her feet as she shuffled them, finally settling, toes pointed toward each other. Hair fell across her face as though it was a warning that no one would ever get inside again.

‘Remember our first group session?’ She asked, ‘When they wanted to know why we ended up here? You never answered.’

‘Neither did you.’

‘No, I didn’t.’

Words can have a particular manner of hanging like mist in a room; enveloping, a fog of anticipation and worry looming, daring one to answer. And in this place, everything was raw and surfacing; felt harder, cut deeper, hurt more.

‘So?’ A quiver from her lips parted and gently spoke.

‘Why? The reasons aren’t the same anymore. At first, people told me I’d be more…accepted. When that didn’t happen, I used it as a weapon. I could throw it out there and see who was safe to be around. I probably bought into the romantic illusion of suffering a little too, if I’m honest. I thought it made me unique. Now, it’s…I…I just don’t know if there’s anything else left but this.”

I’d never say it out loud but I wanted to ask what she thought. I couldn’t. I don’t know if I was afraid of the response or if there was something else, but the threat of an answer turned my stomach over. And all she did was smile. Kind emerald eyes softened by florescent light.

Cautiously she asked, ‘Do you want to know?’

‘That’s up to you. It’s your story.’

She began by toying with the zipper of her slate coloured top. Up, down and again, until her eyes met mine, pausing a moment before pulling her blouse open. A ribbed white tank top beneath cradled the soft white skin of her shoulders. Tentatively, she drew her arms free. I faltered; there, carved over and over into thin, pale limbs, her life and history retold poorly in ragged ribbons.

‘What–what is this?’ I whispered.

‘This didn’t work.’

Each moment, every harm done or emotion felt she remembered; described in detail and related in such a matter of fact manner that it rendered them as objects; they were safer in that sense, able to be packaged, divided and stored away somewhere within her. Moments stretched and passed and became heavy, stopping just before releasing breath.

‘What are you thinking?’ She asked, eyes widening.

I’d like to say that I was able to offer anything. I couldn’t tell her that it didn’t matter. It obviously meant a great deal to her. I couldn’t argue that it didn’t define her, that it was a part of her but not who she was, that everyday she’d change and move further away from that version of herself. I didn’t believe that about myself. I couldn’t even rouse an attempt at humor. It seemed disrespectful even if it would possibly offer a sense of relief.

I drew closer and softly placed fingertips on her arms, tracing the marks. Small ridges rising , falling and crisscrossing, my hand moving up to her shoulder before resting against her cheek. She closed her eyes and leant into the cradle of my palm, her arms round me, fingers touching just above my shoulder blades. I felt breath escape my lungs, felt all of the anger and sadness and worry exhaust itself; our bones scraping together as we held each other, I fell into a dreamless sleep

I woke to a nurse hammering on my door.

‘Let’s go, out by seven!’ She barked.

Waiting for the sound of her footsteps to fade, I rose and looked around. My friend had left sometime during the night, her body replaced by a small oval box decorated in bright yellows, reds and greens. The box, when opened contained a scrap of paper neatly folded atop thirteen tiny figures, decorated with elaborate, spooling threads. Each represented one of the women on the ward while I was there. I placed the lid back on, removing the paper; placing it in the breast pocket of my olive drab army jacket and managed myself out of bed and gathered what I needed to shower across the hall.

Everyone — the girls; the fourteen other people in the adjacent trauma wing, were all still asleep when the sensible people in sensible suits ushered me out the door. The August sun was harsh, throwing unkind shadows. Colours were garish, harsh things that poked at the eyes. It all seemed so fast, so very loud. Shading my face, I pulled the message from my coat, considering what it might say. I unfolded the square and found it only had one word written on it: ‘Together.’ Lighting a cigarette and taking a deep pull, everything began to slow, quiet and become more gentle. Walking out with my luggage to meet my father, I felt somehow lighter.

I’ve thought a lot about her in the past eighteen years. How brave she was, after all that had happened to her, to still have it within her to be vulnerable. To share a part of her that had never been spoken of aloud. How that allowed for a version of myself that was free of artifice. We’d tried to keep in touch, exchanging pages long letters over the course of a few months afterward, but we noticed that in the end all that really connected us was a disorder. We’d hinder each other eventually, and I think we would’ve rather known each other for one night than for being triggers. Sometimes one night is enough. Sometimes it alters you and the memory of it will stay with you, quieting the incessant noise.

Failure & Reboot

It started with the best of intentions, but you know what happens with those, right?

I don’t know why.

Oh, I probably do and for reasons of ego, or some other useless intrusion, I’m committing to ignorance.

Point being, I’m going to be digging back in here over the next little bit. There’s a true story (in as much as my memory is reliable), that I’ve constructed a frame work for whilst working on a series of watercolour portaits that needs telling mainly because I’ve thought about it for the last eighteen years.

So there’s that.

Little known fact: you can be invisible if you want to. It’s not even very hard; all you have to do is stay quiet, keep your head down and run.

I’ve become far too good at running. Hope you’ll stick around long enough to find a destination.

Stay safe and healthy. Wear a damn mask.
