Art Isn’t Free, Ear Candy Edition.

Bandcamp Friday is in a few days and I’d thought it proper to do a master list of sorts if anyone is looking for jumping off points or general suggestions. For those living under a rock, the better part of the past year has seen Bandcamp waive their percentage fee so 100% of all money goes to the artists; this occurs on the first Friday of every month. These people need support as like many others, it’s been a more-than-regular-difficult kind of year. I should also note that if what I post here isn’t to your liking, have a poke around on the site anyway. I guarantee you’ll find something you’ll enjoy.

Ada Rook
Amelia Aresnic
Android Lust
Azar Swan
Bedless Bones
Bestial Mouths
Black Nail Cabaret
Bow Ever Down
Cardinal Noire
Caustic Grip
Cevin Key
Emma Ruth Rundle
Fragile Self
I, Parasite
I Ya Toyah
Lingua Ignota
Minuit Machine
Moaan Exis
Night Terrors
Physical Wash
Pneumatic Detach
Queen of the Static Opera
Sally Dige
Spit Mask
Violent Vickie
Witch of the Vale
Youth Code
Zola Jesus

This should get you started. If I missed anyone, message me and I’ll edit the chart.

One last thing: Creativity, specifically on the artistic side is hard work. It’s also the only job where you may be asked to justify doing it at all. None of this is free to make and aside from monetary cost, there’s time, doubt, frustration, worry and everything else people who have “real jobs” have to face.

And it is product.

I don’t go to the grocery store and expect them to load my cart for free so don’t ask or complain when an artist wants a return on the investment. Think of it as a contract. A work is made, there’s a price and you pay. You are under no obligation to like it, though it is hoped that you do; nor do you have any say in how often new product comes out or what it will look or sound like.

So support independent artists. Let them make something beautiful.

God knows there’s precious little left in the world.

Okay, end rant.

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